Home Featured Why Having a Lactation Consultant at the Hospital Makes all the Difference with Breastfeeding Success

Why Having a Lactation Consultant at the Hospital Makes all the Difference with Breastfeeding Success

Why Having a Lactation Consultant at the Hospital Makes all the Difference with Breastfeeding Success

Breastfeeding is no walk in the park, but with the right support from the start, you’ll be on your way to a confident, rewarding breastfeeding journey ahead

While planning your platonic birth, have you given any thought to how you’ll tideway breastfeeding? The World Health Organization (WHO) strongly advocates breastfeeding as the weightier start for newborns, as it provides all the nutrients that infants need for the first months of life, as well as antibodies that help protect versus many worldwide diaper illnesses. So it’s important that the hospital you segregate to unhook in is worldly-wise to support your breastfeeding journey!

Mount Elizabeth Hospital is one such hospital, with a Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) warrant by WHO to show that they urgently promote and support breastfeeding. With a team of defended obstetricians, senior nurses, midwives and lactation consultants, Mount Elizabeth Hospital is well-equipped with the wits and expertise to support you in your breastfeeding journey! But how exactly do they ensure mamas are well taken superintendency of and are equipped with the right skills to protract breastfeeding without stuff discharged from the hospital? Lactation Consultant Tse Mei Yin shares increasingly below.

Breastfeeding guidance from pregnancy and beyond

In order to prepare you for the journey of stuff an expecting mother, we equip you not only with the necessary motherhood skills, but moreover with knowledge relevant to early stages of pregnancy. Coaching you on caring for your newborn begins early, with the right information to prepare mothers to have a positive mindset on their journey into motherhood.

Learn well-nigh breastfeeding surpassing you requite birth

Preparation for breastfeeding upon registration
We provide you with information on breastfeeding and its benefits to both mothers and their newborns by giving you a BFHI booklet upon confirmation of your maternity pre-registration at Mount E. This will requite you and your partner a throne start to widen your telescopic of knowledge on how to unzip your goals in breastfeeding.

Online antenatal classes
We have antenatal classes for parents who are keen to know increasingly well-nigh childbirth, victual superintendency and breastfeeding so as to uplift their conviction in parenthood. With current Covid-19 restrictions, we’ve moved these antenatal classes online!

mount elizabeth maternity ward room breastfeed

How Mount E helps to encourage breastfeeding and supports you immediately without you deliver

Immediate skin-to-skin contact upon delivery
Evidence shows that firsthand skin-to-skin contact with your newborn profoundly increases the success rate of breastfeeding. Mothers are often named ‘the weightier warmers in the world’ considering their soul warmth, voice and natural smell help to soothe newborns from surpassing and without birth. Our lactation consultants or nurses will be there to guide you through the miracle hour of skin-to-skin in the wordage suite.

Comfortable rooming-in arrangement
We believe that rooming in with your victual (as opposed to your victual stuff placed separately in the nursery) establishes the yoke between you and your victual so you can learn to identify their feeding cues and patterns as well as permitting your little one to recognise their parents’ voices to remoter encourage breastfeeding.

Daily visits by Mount Elizabeth Hospital’s lactation consultants
We visit mothers and their newborns daily to make sure they are coping well with breastfeeding and to underpin that they are doing well. The superintendency plan and coaching will really depend on the condition of the mothers as well as their newborns on a day-to-day basis. As a lactation consultant, I need to be sensitive and understand our patients’  physical needs, such as tiredness from the labouring process, pain threshold and readiness to learn new techniques. I would say, “Make the weightier use of given opportunities.” It’s my responsibility that coaching is washed-up constantly, demonstrating the skills of breastfeeding whenever the opportunity arises.

Lactation consultants will be with you from Monday to Saturday, and there are days when we would stay in the maternity wing till late. In our absence, our wondrous nurses who are working round-the-clock will be ready to squire you with any breastfeeding matters – they’ve been trained with the right knowledge and skills too!

Close up portrait of trappy young asian mother with newborn baby

A lactation consultant’s translating on your postpartum diet

We support your recovery and health without you requite lineage by providing a well-balanced and nutrient-dense nutrition to ensure that you unzip all your nutrient needs while breastfeeding. Contrary to popular belief, there is not a lot of vestige to support the idea that milk supply can be increased by eating the right foods. We do however have a solitude menu that includes supplies such as papaya soup and fish etc, that are traditionally believed to increase milk supply, so that you can order foods that uncurl with your personal tastes and requirements.

Continued breastfeeding support plane without you throne home

We will protract to be part of your learning journey without you throne home. We often self-mastery post-discharge calls to inquire on how both mothers and their newborns are coping with breastfeeding. We can moreover provide translating over the phone should you have questions well-nigh breastfeeding. We take pride in our upper success rates for breastfeeding – by constantly educating new mothers, affirming and re-affirming their fears and anxiety, and giving them lots of encouragement to help build their self-confidence. The involvement of husbands and caregivers is very important to reassure mothers that they are not vacated in their journey in adapting to this new installment of life.

The initial period of establishing breastfeeding may take a toll on you, but with the right support from the start, you’ll unzip unconfined joy and success in breastfeeding!

Want to trammels out Mount E? Read up on Mount E’s wordage suites here or why not make an visit for a maternity tour now?

Mount Elizabeth Hospital, 3 Mount Elizabeth, Singapore 228510, Tel: ( 65) 6250 0000 / 8111 7777 (WhatsApp), www.mountelizabeth.com.sg

The post Why Having a Lactation Consultant at the Hospital Makes all the Difference with Breastfeeding Success appeared first on Sassy Mama.

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